Wednesday, December 22, 2010

ThinkProgress » Conservatives Freak Out Over Mild Net Neutrality Laws: ‘It’s Total Government Control Of The Internet’

the Internet. There’s a lot of people rightly concerned. … The Obama administration, which has already nationalized health care, the auto industry, insurance companies, banks, and student loans, will move forward with what could be the first step in controlling how Americans use the Internet by establishing federal regulations on its use….The Internet is an invaluable resource. It should be left alone. As Americans become more aware of what’s happening here, I suspect many will be alarmed, as I am, at the government’s intrusion. They’ll wonder, as many already do, if this is a Trojan horse for further meddling by the government.– LIMBAUGH: Today the FCC approved a proposal by chairman Julius Genachowski to give the FCC power to prevent broadband providers from selectively blocking web traffic. And that’s just a ruse. Net Neutrality is not what this is really all about. This is about the feds wanting to control the Internet just as they control the public airwaves. They want to be able to determine who gets to say what, where, how often — they want to be able to determine what search services are providing what answers to your queries. It’s total government control of the Internet, and the regime has just awarded it to itself.It’s another gleaming aspect of free speech, free market, private industry Obama has decided to take over as a Christmas present to himself and the Democrat National Committee and to Mr. Soros. He’s even beaten Hugo Chavez to the punch. Chavez is just talking about taking over the Internet in Venezuela; Obama has got it done.
ThinkProgress » Conservatives Freak Out Over Mild Net Neutrality Laws: ‘It’s Total Government Control Of The Internet’
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White House Is Hoping Jon Stewart Can Help Them Out With The 9/11 Responders Bill

Robert Gibbs, President Obama's press secretary, told reporters on Tuesday that he hopes ["Daily Show"host Jon Stewart] can persuade enough Republican senators to vote for a 9/11 health bill so it can head to the president's desk."If there's the ability for that to sort of break through in our political environment, there's a good chance that he can help do that," Gibbs said in his briefing. "I think he has put the awareness around this legislation. He's put that awareness into what you guys cover each day, and I think that's good. I hope he can convince two Republicans to support taking care of those that took care of so many on that awful day in our history."
White House Is Hoping Jon Stewart Can Help Them Out With The 9/11 Responders Bill
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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Net Neutrality Rules Are Imminent From the F.C.C. -

The Federal Communications Commission appears poised to pass a controversial set of rules that broadly create two classes of Internet access, one for fixed-line providers and the other for the wireless Net.
Net Neutrality Rules Are Imminent From the F.C.C. -
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Monday, December 20, 2010

Amendment Sought to Empower States to Repeal Federal Law -

The same people driving the lawsuits that seek to dismantle the Obama administration’s health care overhaul have set their sights on an even bigger target: a constitutional amendment that would allow a vote of the states to overturn any act of Congress.
Amendment Sought to Empower States to Repeal Federal Law -
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Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission : SCOTUSblog

Holding: Political spending is a form of protected speech under the First Amendment, and the government may not keep corporations or unions from spending money to support or denounce individual candidates in elections. While corporations or unions may not give money directly to campaigns, they may seek to persuade the voting public through other means, including ads, especially where these ads were not broadcast.Judgment: REVERSED, 5-4, in an opinion by Justice Anthony Kennedy on January 21, 2010. in a 5-4 decision with an opinion written by Justice Kennedy. Justice Stevens dissented, joined by Justices Ginsburg, Breyer, and Sotomayor.
Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission : SCOTUSblog
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Sunday, December 19, 2010

Business Finds Receptive Ear in Roberts Court -

WASHINGTON — Almost 40 years ago, a Virginia lawyer named Lewis F. Powell Jr. warned that the nation’s free enterprise system was under attack. He urged the U.S. Chamber of Commerce to assemble “a highly competent staff of lawyers” and retain outside counsel “of national standing and reputation” to appear before the Supreme Court and advance the interests of American business.
Business Finds Receptive Ear in Roberts Court -
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Saturday, December 11, 2010

Get To Know Your Incoming House Committee Chairs

The Republican­s have set a trap for Obama on this tax deal for millionair­es and billionair­es; he’ll be up for reelection in 2012 they’ll blame him for the 900 billion added to the federal debt. Finally, nothing else will get accomplish­ed because the Republican­s will take over the Congress on January 5, 2011, and they will start to dismantle the safety net. Once that’s done there will be no middle class.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Friday, November 19, 2010

Government Education Is Broken? It Just Ain’t So!

New York Times op-ed columnist Bob Herbert is rightfully worried about American education. He’s bothered that no one else seems worried. In his article “Clueless in America” (April 22), Herbert notes a lack of concern in coverage of the presidential campaign. He says, “[Education] is much too serious a topic to compete with such fun stuff as Hillary tossing back a shot of whiskey, or Barack rolling a gutter ball.” He’s disturbed that “no one seems to have the will to engage any of the most serious challenges facing the U.S.”

Government Education Is Broken? It Just Ain’t So!

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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Why Main Street Doesn't Buy Wall Street's 'Recovery'

Wall Street

If stocks are rising, that should mean the economy is improving. Yet even though the S&P 500 has soared 80% from its March 2009 lows, 70% of Americans don't believe the recession is over. Which side has a firmer grasp of reality? Let's look at the data...

See full article from DailyFinance:

Why Main Street Doesn't Buy Wall Street's 'Recovery'
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Debt Commission Report Targets Social Security, Medicare

Today's upcoming report by the White House's fiscal commission is expected to include recommendations to raise the retirement age for Social Security and cut Medicare benefits -- two policy prescriptions that will be met with deep opposition from Democrats and some Republicans -- according to a source who has been briefed on the proposal.

The chairmen of the commission will unveil their overarching recommendations for debt and deficit reduction on Wednesday afternoon, weeks before the official unveiling is expected.

The findings are not the final report of the commission, officially known as the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform. Rather they are the specific suggestions of its two chairs, former Sen. Alan Simpson and former White House Chief of Staff Erskine Bowles. The ultimate findings will require the support of 14 members of the 18-member commission. And at this juncture it is unclear if the votes are there, sources familiar with deliberation say.

Debt Commission Report Targets Social Security, Medicare
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Michele Bachmann Not Willing To Commit To John Boehner For Speaker

We need to raise income taxes on the top 2% earners in the USA progressively from 35% to a maximum of 74%. These very people own 90% of the all of the wealth in the USA. So where’s the equality? There isn’t any, only the rich get equality. These very same people are investing in stocks in these transnational corporations who send our jobs overseas they’ve caused the economic chaos. This has put 50,000,000 people unemployed, and 60,000,000 on food stamps. So where does leave the rest of us working in fast food, retail, and the service industry jobs that doesn’t pay a living wage. As a result, our infrastructure, our roads, and our bridges are collapsing and crumbling because they need urgent maintenance many of these structure are unsafe, and can lead to death. Finally, we need fair trade, not free trade, and we need worker unions as an equalizer for fairness.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

G20 leaders meet amid strains as US splashes cash -

SEOUL, South Korea -- Tensions over currencies and trade gaps are simmering ahead of a summit of global leaders this week as America's move to flood its sluggish economy with $600 billion of cash triggers alarm in capitals from Berlin to Beijing.

G20 leaders meet amid strains as US splashes cash -
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The Man Who Blacked Out World Series Blames Politicians - Bloomberg

News Corp.’s Chase Carey, the man who oversaw Fox’s talks with Cablevision Systems Corp. during a two- week blackout, has advice for government officials who want to keep more TV channels from going dark: Stop meddling.

The Man Who Blacked Out World Series Blames Politicians - Bloomberg
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Sunday, November 7, 2010

Bush tax cuts: Obama will negotiate - Nov. 6, 2010

NEW YORK ( -- A door opened this week to resolving one of Washington's most divisive money issues: the Bush tax cuts.The White House indicated more than once that President Obama would be willing to negotiate with Republicans to ensure the tax cuts remain in place on Jan. 1.
Bush tax cuts: Obama will negotiate - Nov. 6, 2010
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Thursday, November 4, 2010

Fed's Bernanke `Doesn't Understand' Economics, Jim Rogers Says - Bloomberg

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke’s decision to pump a further $600 billion into the economy shows his grasp of economics is weak, said investor Jim Rogers, chairman of Rogers Holdings.
Fed's Bernanke `Doesn't Understand' Economics, Jim Rogers Says - Bloomberg
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Politics & Government: Tax-Cut Talks Would Include Dividends and Capital Gains - CNBC

President Barack Obama is open to talks with Republicans about extending all of the Bush-era tax rates, a spokesman said Thursday, two days after his party suffered big losses in congressional elections.

Politics & Government: Tax-Cut Talks Would Include Dividends and Capital Gains - CNBC
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Unemployment: The Ugly Truth About the Jobs Picture - DailyFinance

Investors are starting to get more confident about the outlook for the U.S. economy. Risky assets like stocks, for example, are seeing renewed interest.

But the painful unemployment situation in the country continues to hold center stage. The Republican Party registered big midterm election gains from an electorate frustrated by a lack of progress on jobs, among other things. And the Fed announced more measures to drive down interest rates in an effort to further boost the economy and increase hiring on Wednesday.

See full article from DailyFinance:

Unemployment: The Ugly Truth About the Jobs Picture - DailyFinance

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Toxic Chemicals Deep at BP Oil Spill Site in Gulf of Mexico Raise Warning Flags

(Nov. 4) -- On the surface at least, the Gulf of Mexico appears relatively clean more than six months after the massive BP oil spill, but scientists say they've found toxic materials deep in the ocean at the site of the blowout, and some warn that all the environmental impacts of the gusher won't be known for some time.
Toxic Chemicals Deep at BP Oil Spill Site in Gulf of Mexico Raise Warning Flags
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US jobless claims jump by 20,000

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Claims for jobless benefits climbed more than expected in the past week as the US labour market continued to be restrained by a sluggish economy.

Initial jobless claims rose by 20,000 to 457,000, the labour department said on Thursday. That was a bigger jump than Wall Street economists anticipated, leaving the four-week average for new claims up 2,000 to 456,000.

US jobless claims jump by 20,000
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Monday, November 1, 2010

Kimberly-Clark: Improved Business Conditions Mean More Jobs, Money for Conway Plant -

Kimberly-Clark Corp. said that improved business conditions will allow it to invest more money in its Conway plant, according to a news release from the Conway Development Corporation on Monday.
Kimberly-Clark: Improved Business Conditions Mean More Jobs, Money for Conway Plant -

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Fox obsessively hypes Palin's baseless claim that Alaska reporters "concocted" plot against Miller | Media Matters for America

On Fox News Sunday, Sarah Palin claimed to have evidence that reporters at Alaska television station KTVA were on tape "conspir[ing] to make up stories" about Alaska GOP senatorial candidate Joe Miller -- a claim that is entirely unsupported. Nevertheless, Fox has run with the story, using it to accuse KTVA of plotting to smear Miller.
Fox obsessively hypes Palin's baseless claim that Alaska reporters "concocted" plot against Miller | Media Matters for America

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Trade and Tea Party: Not exactly a happy couple - Nov. 1, 2010

FORTUNE -- Big business interests are hopeful that a Republican takeover of the House -- now looking more likely than not -- will thaw free-trade deals that have languished since President Obama took office. Those agreements are on a short list of priorities the White House has in common with GOP leaders.
Trade and Tea Party: Not exactly a happy couple - Nov. 1, 2010

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Michele Bachmann Not Willing To Commit To John Boehner For Speaker

Michele Bachmann Congresswoman (R-Min) money is her GOD; she has nothing for the workers in Minnesota, but pain, misery, and distress. She has her hands wide open for corporate contributions. These are her masters, this is what she worships, that’s why she’ll never have enough of it.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Time to Stop the Rush for "Amnesty" Immigration Reform | The Heritage Foundation

Abstract: The Obama Administration is pushing amnesty for illegal immigrants. The Administration has also reversed a number of policies that had improved enforcement. These changes have included ending workplace raids and a shift toward "catch and release" of illegal immigrants, instead of detaining them and deporting them. Rather than pursue comprehensive immigration reform, the Administration and Congress should ensure that the existing policies on border security, interior enforcement, and non-immigrant visas are working.
Time to Stop the Rush for "Amnesty" Immigration Reform | The Heritage Foundation
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Sunday, October 31, 2010

Senator Jim DeMint, the Tea Party’s Kingmaker, Is a Power Unto Himself -

On election night last year, South Carolina’s freshman senator, Jim DeMint, convened a conference call with 4,000 supporters to declare the next battle: conservatives had to rally behind Marco Rubio, a relative unknown who was trailing the establishment candidate in the Republican Senate primary in Florida.
Senator Jim DeMint, the Tea Party’s Kingmaker, Is a Power Unto Himself -

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Saturday, October 30, 2010

Mike Lee: Government Shutdown 'May Be Absolutely Necessary' (AUDIO)

Big money is flooding our political landscape by transnational corporations thanks to our Supreme Court to take complete control of our government. They want to finish off the middle class. They want to completely wipe them out. They want cheap labor to maximum profits that all the care about. It’s about money and power.
About Elections 2010
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Mike Lee: Government Shutdown 'May Be Absolutely Necessary' (AUDIO)

The Republicans and Tea Party have only one goal that is privatizing government programs bolishing the Safety Net. These people are Fascist they want to destroy Democracy, to see pain, to see war, and too see blood. We can’t afford to have these unqualified KOOKS ran our country. We must stay engaged and vote. The worst thing we can do is not vote. That’s like giving the Republican Party an extra vote. The only weapon that we have against this assault is our vote; they fear this, they want to censor us, and they want to take away our voting rights.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Friday, October 29, 2010

On the issues: Significant Decisions of the Roberts Court - The Washington Post

This has open the floodgates of campaign contributions by transnational corporations to control our politicians and government for huge profits tilting the political scale to BIG BUSINESS AND BIG MONEY. This has turn us into an oligarchy where the Royalist Rule.

On the issues: Significant Decisions of the Roberts Court - The Washington Post
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Monday, October 25, 2010

Four Immediate Reforms to Change the Culture of Congress | The Heritage Foundation

Summary: Immediately after the congressional elections of November 2, new Members and re-elected Members of both parties will gather to meet (caucus) and vote on new leaders and enact internal party rules. Long before the House adopts its formal rules in January, these internal party rules will determine the allocation of power within Congress between leadership, committee and subcommittee chairmen, and rank-and-file Members
Four Immediate Reforms to Change the Culture of Congress | The Heritage Foundation
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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Moody's: Next California budget deficit likely to be $12 billion -- or more

Moody's, one of the nation's big credit-rating agencies, issued a report Tuesday that said California's next budget deficit is expected to be "at least $12 billion" after state lawmakers and Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger approved a spedning plan that "relies heavily on one-time measures, optimistic revenue assumptions and the receipt of funds, some of which may not materialize."

Moody's: Next California budget deficit likely to be $12 billion -- or more
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The Perfect Storm |

It’s a perfect storm. And I’m not talking about the impending dangers facing Democrats. I’m talking about the dangers facing our democracy.First, income in America is now more concentrated in fewer hands than it’s been in 80 years. Almost a quarter of total income generated in the United States is going to the top 1 percent of Americans.
The Perfect Storm |
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Monday, October 18, 2010

Judge Tosses Montana Corporate Campaign Finance Ban |

Helena, Mont. (AP) - A Montana judge says the state's century-old ban on corporate political spending is unconstitutional.District Judge Jeffrey Sherlock of Helena on Monday tossed out the 1912 Corrupt Practices Act that prohibits corporations from making independent political expenditures.Sherlock ruled in favor of conservative think-tank Western Tradition Partnership.
Judge Tosses Montana Corporate Campaign Finance Ban |
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Young Guns - Or Loose Cannons? Extremist Dopes Prepared To Shut Down Government

All I can say is, Democrats better be prepared to obstruct just as vigorously as the Republicans did or they'll be even more unpopular than they are now. As for the Tea Party nutjobs -- well, I just can't wait until they shut down the goverment and have to explain to constituents why their Social Security checks aren't going out:

WASHINGTON—The Senate is likely next year to see the largest group of strong conservatives enter the chamber since 1995, with Republican candidates calling for an end to the minimum wage, a phase-out of federal involvement in education and for challenging federal regulations they say have no foundation in the U.S. Constitution.

Young Guns - Or Loose Cannons? Extremist Dopes Prepared To Shut Down Government
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Saturday, October 16, 2010

A third ‘C Street’ Republican embroiled in sex scandal – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

This secret society the good all boys club of sex, wine, music, and money; these people who believe that laws and rules of society don’t apply to them because they’re Royalty. That they were born to be Lords, to governor the common man, and that these was a God given birth right.

A third ‘C Street’ Republican embroiled in sex scandal – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs
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Frances Perkins (1880 - 1965)

Francis Perkin was the Secretary of State under FDR and wrote the proposal for “The Great Deal” in 1936.

Frances Perkins (1880 - 1965)
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YouTube - FDR Second Bill of Rights Speech Footage

FDR wanted to amend the United States Constitution with a second “Bill of Rights” for workers after WWII, but dies before he could. Europe and Japan got a “Bill of Rights” written into their Constitutions because of FDR’S efforts. This included a living wage, free healthcare, vocation pay every year, the right for labor to organize, unemployment benefits, disability insurance and a pension.

YouTube - FDR Second Bill of Rights Speech Footage

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Friday, October 15, 2010

Say Anything » Friday Night Ray Of Hope: Milt Friedman Dismantles Phil Donahue On Big Government

The RICH have never had it so good ever since President Ronald Reagan, and they cry for everything; what would they do if they had to live in poverty like 50,000,000 unemployed people,  60,000,000 on food stamps, or the disabled on Social Security?  These people are afraid of die in poverty. These people discriminate the needy like if these people have a contagious disease that they may catch.  Yet,  many of these people have no special skills, they have no clue, because they were born RICH “OLD MONEY” with no concept of what it’s like to be needy. Many of these people have never had to work to survive. What a Shame? They have no concept of how to create jobs for our economy. That’s because they’re part of the wealthy sperm bank living in isolated communities, hiding out behind steel gates like prisoners of their wealth. Trickle Down Economics doesn’t work it makes the RICHER, RICHER, and it creates massive poverty.

Say Anything » Friday Night Ray Of Hope: Milt Friedman Dismantles Phil Donahue On Big Government
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Boehner’s Path to Power Began in Southern Ohio -

The Progressives are annoyed at The Democratic Leadership for the lack of action challenging The Fascist and The Tea Party who want to destroy Democracy. We can’t afford to have these unqualified KOOKS ran our country.

Boehner’s Path to Power Began in Southern Ohio -

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US Chamber of Commerce | OpenSecrets

Our leadership has an obligation to the citizens of the United States. When they sellout it’s treason; selling American one piece at a time. The United States Chamber of Commerce is a Right Wing Organization Corporatist. They pander to transnational corporations who outsource American Jobs, and the 2% salary earners hold stock in these corporations who hire cheat labor leaving a trail of destruction, and poverty stricken communities.

US Chamber of Commerce | OpenSecrets

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Wall Street and bankers are robbing us from our lively hood with outrageous housing values falling, high interest rates, extreme fees, and their stealing our retirement benefits. Their doing to us what they did in Mexico, and Chile where the government privatized everything by outsourcing everything to transnational corporations.