Wednesday, December 22, 2010

ThinkProgress » Conservatives Freak Out Over Mild Net Neutrality Laws: ‘It’s Total Government Control Of The Internet’

the Internet. There’s a lot of people rightly concerned. … The Obama administration, which has already nationalized health care, the auto industry, insurance companies, banks, and student loans, will move forward with what could be the first step in controlling how Americans use the Internet by establishing federal regulations on its use….The Internet is an invaluable resource. It should be left alone. As Americans become more aware of what’s happening here, I suspect many will be alarmed, as I am, at the government’s intrusion. They’ll wonder, as many already do, if this is a Trojan horse for further meddling by the government.– LIMBAUGH: Today the FCC approved a proposal by chairman Julius Genachowski to give the FCC power to prevent broadband providers from selectively blocking web traffic. And that’s just a ruse. Net Neutrality is not what this is really all about. This is about the feds wanting to control the Internet just as they control the public airwaves. They want to be able to determine who gets to say what, where, how often — they want to be able to determine what search services are providing what answers to your queries. It’s total government control of the Internet, and the regime has just awarded it to itself.It’s another gleaming aspect of free speech, free market, private industry Obama has decided to take over as a Christmas present to himself and the Democrat National Committee and to Mr. Soros. He’s even beaten Hugo Chavez to the punch. Chavez is just talking about taking over the Internet in Venezuela; Obama has got it done.
ThinkProgress » Conservatives Freak Out Over Mild Net Neutrality Laws: ‘It’s Total Government Control Of The Internet’
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White House Is Hoping Jon Stewart Can Help Them Out With The 9/11 Responders Bill

Robert Gibbs, President Obama's press secretary, told reporters on Tuesday that he hopes ["Daily Show"host Jon Stewart] can persuade enough Republican senators to vote for a 9/11 health bill so it can head to the president's desk."If there's the ability for that to sort of break through in our political environment, there's a good chance that he can help do that," Gibbs said in his briefing. "I think he has put the awareness around this legislation. He's put that awareness into what you guys cover each day, and I think that's good. I hope he can convince two Republicans to support taking care of those that took care of so many on that awful day in our history."
White House Is Hoping Jon Stewart Can Help Them Out With The 9/11 Responders Bill
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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Net Neutrality Rules Are Imminent From the F.C.C. -

The Federal Communications Commission appears poised to pass a controversial set of rules that broadly create two classes of Internet access, one for fixed-line providers and the other for the wireless Net.
Net Neutrality Rules Are Imminent From the F.C.C. -
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Monday, December 20, 2010

Amendment Sought to Empower States to Repeal Federal Law -

The same people driving the lawsuits that seek to dismantle the Obama administration’s health care overhaul have set their sights on an even bigger target: a constitutional amendment that would allow a vote of the states to overturn any act of Congress.
Amendment Sought to Empower States to Repeal Federal Law -
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Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission : SCOTUSblog

Holding: Political spending is a form of protected speech under the First Amendment, and the government may not keep corporations or unions from spending money to support or denounce individual candidates in elections. While corporations or unions may not give money directly to campaigns, they may seek to persuade the voting public through other means, including ads, especially where these ads were not broadcast.Judgment: REVERSED, 5-4, in an opinion by Justice Anthony Kennedy on January 21, 2010. in a 5-4 decision with an opinion written by Justice Kennedy. Justice Stevens dissented, joined by Justices Ginsburg, Breyer, and Sotomayor.
Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission : SCOTUSblog
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Sunday, December 19, 2010

Business Finds Receptive Ear in Roberts Court -

WASHINGTON — Almost 40 years ago, a Virginia lawyer named Lewis F. Powell Jr. warned that the nation’s free enterprise system was under attack. He urged the U.S. Chamber of Commerce to assemble “a highly competent staff of lawyers” and retain outside counsel “of national standing and reputation” to appear before the Supreme Court and advance the interests of American business.
Business Finds Receptive Ear in Roberts Court -
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Saturday, December 11, 2010

Get To Know Your Incoming House Committee Chairs

The Republican­s have set a trap for Obama on this tax deal for millionair­es and billionair­es; he’ll be up for reelection in 2012 they’ll blame him for the 900 billion added to the federal debt. Finally, nothing else will get accomplish­ed because the Republican­s will take over the Congress on January 5, 2011, and they will start to dismantle the safety net. Once that’s done there will be no middle class.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost