Let's call it what it is; Washington politician
s have become islands on to themselves
. They no longer response to the cries of the people. They've sold their souls to GREEDY CEOs, and global corporatio
ns. They fight for Reagan Trickle Down Economics Theory "give more to the rich they're the job creators." My only question is where are the jobs? China is now the second largest economy in the world, and will pass the US OF A as number 1 by 2016. That's where the jobs are along with Korea, India, and Viet Nam; Since 2001 we have closed 50 thousand factories in the US OF A because of Unfair Free Trade Agreements
. Yet, our politician
s in Washington are not willing to discuss this. We have 25 million unemployed
, 1 in 5 children go to sleep hungry, and we have exposing health-car
e cost; this is an outrage. Our states are nearly bankrupt, our infrastruc
ture is crumbling, our education is still producing factory workers, and our justice system is corrupted, our judges our seeking their personal financial interest. This leaves us out in the snow freezing to death.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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