Sunday, October 31, 2010

Senator Jim DeMint, the Tea Party’s Kingmaker, Is a Power Unto Himself -

On election night last year, South Carolina’s freshman senator, Jim DeMint, convened a conference call with 4,000 supporters to declare the next battle: conservatives had to rally behind Marco Rubio, a relative unknown who was trailing the establishment candidate in the Republican Senate primary in Florida.
Senator Jim DeMint, the Tea Party’s Kingmaker, Is a Power Unto Himself -

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Saturday, October 30, 2010

Mike Lee: Government Shutdown 'May Be Absolutely Necessary' (AUDIO)

Big money is flooding our political landscape by transnational corporations thanks to our Supreme Court to take complete control of our government. They want to finish off the middle class. They want to completely wipe them out. They want cheap labor to maximum profits that all the care about. It’s about money and power.
About Elections 2010
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Mike Lee: Government Shutdown 'May Be Absolutely Necessary' (AUDIO)

The Republicans and Tea Party have only one goal that is privatizing government programs bolishing the Safety Net. These people are Fascist they want to destroy Democracy, to see pain, to see war, and too see blood. We can’t afford to have these unqualified KOOKS ran our country. We must stay engaged and vote. The worst thing we can do is not vote. That’s like giving the Republican Party an extra vote. The only weapon that we have against this assault is our vote; they fear this, they want to censor us, and they want to take away our voting rights.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Friday, October 29, 2010

On the issues: Significant Decisions of the Roberts Court - The Washington Post

This has open the floodgates of campaign contributions by transnational corporations to control our politicians and government for huge profits tilting the political scale to BIG BUSINESS AND BIG MONEY. This has turn us into an oligarchy where the Royalist Rule.

On the issues: Significant Decisions of the Roberts Court - The Washington Post
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Monday, October 25, 2010

Four Immediate Reforms to Change the Culture of Congress | The Heritage Foundation

Summary: Immediately after the congressional elections of November 2, new Members and re-elected Members of both parties will gather to meet (caucus) and vote on new leaders and enact internal party rules. Long before the House adopts its formal rules in January, these internal party rules will determine the allocation of power within Congress between leadership, committee and subcommittee chairmen, and rank-and-file Members
Four Immediate Reforms to Change the Culture of Congress | The Heritage Foundation
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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Moody's: Next California budget deficit likely to be $12 billion -- or more

Moody's, one of the nation's big credit-rating agencies, issued a report Tuesday that said California's next budget deficit is expected to be "at least $12 billion" after state lawmakers and Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger approved a spedning plan that "relies heavily on one-time measures, optimistic revenue assumptions and the receipt of funds, some of which may not materialize."

Moody's: Next California budget deficit likely to be $12 billion -- or more
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The Perfect Storm |

It’s a perfect storm. And I’m not talking about the impending dangers facing Democrats. I’m talking about the dangers facing our democracy.First, income in America is now more concentrated in fewer hands than it’s been in 80 years. Almost a quarter of total income generated in the United States is going to the top 1 percent of Americans.
The Perfect Storm |
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Monday, October 18, 2010

Judge Tosses Montana Corporate Campaign Finance Ban |

Helena, Mont. (AP) - A Montana judge says the state's century-old ban on corporate political spending is unconstitutional.District Judge Jeffrey Sherlock of Helena on Monday tossed out the 1912 Corrupt Practices Act that prohibits corporations from making independent political expenditures.Sherlock ruled in favor of conservative think-tank Western Tradition Partnership.
Judge Tosses Montana Corporate Campaign Finance Ban |
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Young Guns - Or Loose Cannons? Extremist Dopes Prepared To Shut Down Government

All I can say is, Democrats better be prepared to obstruct just as vigorously as the Republicans did or they'll be even more unpopular than they are now. As for the Tea Party nutjobs -- well, I just can't wait until they shut down the goverment and have to explain to constituents why their Social Security checks aren't going out:

WASHINGTON—The Senate is likely next year to see the largest group of strong conservatives enter the chamber since 1995, with Republican candidates calling for an end to the minimum wage, a phase-out of federal involvement in education and for challenging federal regulations they say have no foundation in the U.S. Constitution.

Young Guns - Or Loose Cannons? Extremist Dopes Prepared To Shut Down Government
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Saturday, October 16, 2010

A third ‘C Street’ Republican embroiled in sex scandal – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

This secret society the good all boys club of sex, wine, music, and money; these people who believe that laws and rules of society don’t apply to them because they’re Royalty. That they were born to be Lords, to governor the common man, and that these was a God given birth right.

A third ‘C Street’ Republican embroiled in sex scandal – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs
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Frances Perkins (1880 - 1965)

Francis Perkin was the Secretary of State under FDR and wrote the proposal for “The Great Deal” in 1936.

Frances Perkins (1880 - 1965)
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YouTube - FDR Second Bill of Rights Speech Footage

FDR wanted to amend the United States Constitution with a second “Bill of Rights” for workers after WWII, but dies before he could. Europe and Japan got a “Bill of Rights” written into their Constitutions because of FDR’S efforts. This included a living wage, free healthcare, vocation pay every year, the right for labor to organize, unemployment benefits, disability insurance and a pension.

YouTube - FDR Second Bill of Rights Speech Footage

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Friday, October 15, 2010

Say Anything » Friday Night Ray Of Hope: Milt Friedman Dismantles Phil Donahue On Big Government

The RICH have never had it so good ever since President Ronald Reagan, and they cry for everything; what would they do if they had to live in poverty like 50,000,000 unemployed people,  60,000,000 on food stamps, or the disabled on Social Security?  These people are afraid of die in poverty. These people discriminate the needy like if these people have a contagious disease that they may catch.  Yet,  many of these people have no special skills, they have no clue, because they were born RICH “OLD MONEY” with no concept of what it’s like to be needy. Many of these people have never had to work to survive. What a Shame? They have no concept of how to create jobs for our economy. That’s because they’re part of the wealthy sperm bank living in isolated communities, hiding out behind steel gates like prisoners of their wealth. Trickle Down Economics doesn’t work it makes the RICHER, RICHER, and it creates massive poverty.

Say Anything » Friday Night Ray Of Hope: Milt Friedman Dismantles Phil Donahue On Big Government
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Boehner’s Path to Power Began in Southern Ohio -

The Progressives are annoyed at The Democratic Leadership for the lack of action challenging The Fascist and The Tea Party who want to destroy Democracy. We can’t afford to have these unqualified KOOKS ran our country.

Boehner’s Path to Power Began in Southern Ohio -

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US Chamber of Commerce | OpenSecrets

Our leadership has an obligation to the citizens of the United States. When they sellout it’s treason; selling American one piece at a time. The United States Chamber of Commerce is a Right Wing Organization Corporatist. They pander to transnational corporations who outsource American Jobs, and the 2% salary earners hold stock in these corporations who hire cheat labor leaving a trail of destruction, and poverty stricken communities.

US Chamber of Commerce | OpenSecrets

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Wall Street and bankers are robbing us from our lively hood with outrageous housing values falling, high interest rates, extreme fees, and their stealing our retirement benefits. Their doing to us what they did in Mexico, and Chile where the government privatized everything by outsourcing everything to transnational corporations.