Sunday, November 20, 2011

Kentucky Republican Steve Frank Wants To Go Taliban On The Wall Street Protesters

Kentucky Republican Says He ‘Feels Like Going Taliban’ On The Wall Street Protesters

October 13, 2011
A Kentucky Republican has posted a rather disturbing comment on Facebook about the Wall Street protesters. Steve Frank, city commissioner of Covington, Kentucky apparently feels like killing the protesters occupying Wall Street just as the Taliban feels like killing American soldiers in Afghanistan.

In a post on October 9th, Frank wrote, “Turn out the lights on the Occupiers, I feel like going Taliban on them!!! The Taliban, as they see it is resisting occupation. I am resisting the Occupiers and very proud to be a 1%’er. I figured that the irony would be lost on most of the dummies in Occupation Nation who oppose the war in Afganistan because they see us as occupiers. I happen to oppose the war too but for highly different grounds. PS I am proud of our troops and have a son in harm’s way.”

So, Frank considers himself part of the 1% and wants to kill Americans who oppose them. To compare yourself to the Taliban is pretty bad. Frank is essentially saying that the Republican Party and the top 1% of Americans are the US version of the Taliban, the group that supports terrorism against America. The Taliban must be thrilled to hear that they have Republican support. It’s clear now that the ‘Occupy Wall Street’ movement has been fighting the Taliban all this time. We should thank Steve Frank for clearing that up.
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8 Responses to Kentucky Republican Says He ‘Feels Like Going Taliban’ On The Wall Street Protesters

  1. galactusX on October 14, 2011 at 11:21 PM
    Hey Jackoffs! You are not the ONLY ones that own guns and know how to use them. Watch what you ask just might get it.
  2. sandy on October 13, 2011 at 8:27 PM
    And how and why is it ok for this idiot to say this. Well you never have to worry about this jackass going”human being” on anyone. You ever notice how when someone is trying to speak for themselves but is not getting violent or all up in the face how others take that as a sign of weakness and think they can threaten them or even hurt them? Remember the silence before the tornado.
  3. Deanna on October 13, 2011 at 5:42 PM
    It is not OK for anyone to do it. It has nothing to do with the right or left. People need to be held responsibile for what comes out of their mouths and it needs to stop being blamed on the party they are aligned with. There are careless comments made from all sides.
  4. Doug on October 13, 2011 at 5:28 PM
    Personally, I’m not really sure what “turn out the lights” and “go Taliban” mean in this context. (And urbandictionary did not help.) It doesn’t sound good, but is it really wanting to kill them?
    Perhaps he just wants to make them grow long beards and dim the lights a bit so they can get some sleep?
  5. Aliceandthecat on October 13, 2011 at 5:25 PM
    I’ve said it before….This is the sort of behavior to expect from the Tealiban Teahaddist’s kookfest.
  6. QB on October 13, 2011 at 3:01 PM
    Because nothing says “I support freedom” like religious zealots murdering people who want to exercise their Constitutional rights.
  7. Morgan Sheridan on October 13, 2011 at 2:55 PM
    Well, of course. They wouldn’t have it any other way. Cynically, my money is on them for initiating an all out assault, killing some unarmed protesters for Gawd and Country, cos’ they love it so much!
  8. Second Amendment Democrat on October 13, 2011 at 1:28 PM
    Somehow, it always seems to be okay for radical righties to threaten to kill liberals, but when a leftie does it, it’s abhorrent, and abomination. Sorry, righties, that’s Obama Nation!

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